Can you lend me a tenner?

Dear Blog Reader

I am trying to raise £200 to buy a new bed. I need your help. This is why.

As you may know, I was recently involved in a Road Traffic Accident. A very careless taxi driver turning blindly at a junction hit me as I was cycling home from New Cross to Hackney one evening.

I have back, shoulder injuries and quite a severe neck injury as a result. I also have an incredibly soft, uncomfortable bed that is exacerbating my discomfort, making it difficult to sleep and, more often than not, causing me to wake up in pain. As I live in rented accommodation, I have asked my land lady if she would be able to provide a new bed for me, as the one I currently sink in to each night is obviously deleterious. But, alas, she will only replace my shit one with a newer version of the same shit one. Alternatively I have been given the go ahead to provide my own bed. As, as I think I mentioned earlier, I was recently hit by a car. Due to my injuries I am unable to work and am on benefits until things improve. In other words, I currently cannot afford to buy myself a new bed.

This is my tragedy. *violins*

So, this is where I propose something to your good selves.

I am asking 20 people to lend me £10 each with the money going towards buying me a nice firm bed that won’t cause me to wake up in tears. In return for your £10, you will receive a handmade, personalised, editioned and signed IOU voucher (which may or may not be worth something someday, depending on how impressive you find my CV) containing a receipt and a pledge from me to return your money to you by 31st December 2011. When I return your cash, you will also receive a photograph of my new bed in situ to prove I’ve not gone and squandered your hard-earned money on crack or the proverbial dogs.

I would like to emphasise that you would be lending me a tenner, I’m not asking for donations or  sponsorship. You will get your money back. At some point.

To conclude, I would be so very extremely grateful if you would contribute to this and help me to recover. I am in all seriousness suffering very much and somewhat unnecessarily.

Please contact me at

or DM me on Twitter

Many thanks.

2 thoughts on “Can you lend me a tenner?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Can you lend me a tenner? « Today I Made Nothing --

  2. Yo Chuck
    sorry to hear you are still suffering, not only from your injuries but from your uncaring fascist landlady. I will happily lend you a tenner in such a good cause. How can I send it to you? Have you a bank account I can make a transfer to? Let me know and I will execute said tranfer immediately.
    Love and Peas
    Lou xxxxxx

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